We all have human nature in quest of being successful or fulfilled in life. We are full of thoughts and imaginations on daily basis but we find it difficult to settle and make it work and that has been the problem for years. According to Maya Angelou “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” everyone of us had dream of our greatness and really want to be great but our inability to make the dream works has not been possible due to lack of principles and our ability to stand up and make the dream work with time.
Dream is a word many people use in our today's world without knowing the meaning of it nor working towards achieving it. Some are missing out the real meaning of dream, some don't know how to go about achieving their dreams and they feel reluctant and gave up, others run round without fulfilling their dream because of their lack of personal inspiration, motivation and enthusiasm.
A dream is a mental reality of a captured future. In this, dream is seen as a vision. It can also be conceived as a series of images, events and feelings that happen in your mind while you are Conscious and sometimes unconscious. A dream is also an inspiring picture of the future that energizes your mind, will and emotions and williness empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it. A dream worth pursuing because it is a picture and blueprint of a person’s purpose and the essence of his living as a human. A dream is the design of possibility drawn in the soul of a human being, which keep him on the run to pursue it in a unique way till he achieve it as purpose or destiny.
It is one thing to have a dream and it is another thing to see the realization of your dream. Your dreams are fragile vessels that could be broken with ease, but plans are the shells that save them from destruction. Plans and action turn your dreams into goals. They let you be purposeful and have a clear vision of the steps you should take to make your dreams come true. If you want to become an achiever, icon and hero of your time, a writer, an actor/actress, a musician, name it what be your dream, you never have to leave the realizing of your dreams to destiny. You ought to develop and take steps every day to the perfect pathway of your destiny. Your movement could be slow, but it is still better than procrastinating and no movement at all. Realize yourself and keep to time and know what to do per-time to drive you into the reality of your dreams. Believe your instincts, but do not rely just on them. Plan, and you’ll have a map that will lead you through the woods of obstacles and challenges unscathed. Greatness is not for those who rely on dreams without acting towards achieving it. Stand up, look up and take it up from there to the top.....your plan and actions matters.
We all have dreams that keep us going throughout the day. There is always something that we long to do, but can’t ever seem to get started. Maybe you have dreams of learning how to act, or writing a book or learning to paint a masterpiece. All of these things come from inspiration deep inside of us – but how do we go about letting it out? How do we turn that inspiration into reality? It’s way easier than you think. “The key is harnessing that spark of inspiration—whatever it may be—to alter your conduct. It starts with a decision followed by immediate action, which when sustained over time, can improve your life in the ways you couldn’t possibly predict,” says author and vegan ultra-marathoner Rich Roll. Turning inspirations into reality just takes a little time, and some key things to remember. Here are ways to turn all of that bubbling inspiration into reality.
One of the most disastrous things I have ever seen in this our modern day society is the fact that some individuals allowed their disadvantaged environments to determine their destinations in life. if you can see beyond your physical boundaries you can exist above the mentality of your equals and what your environment have to offer. Don't relate or compared your dream and purpose for life with other people's own, it doesn't matter the similarities, your dream and my dream are different in reality. The best way to achieve your dream is to recognize your dream and do what is expected of you without having a self-doubt and a your procrastinating lifestyle, but to keep your head straight and pursue your dream till you achieve it. Bear it in mind that you were created uniquely and different from the other person so also is your purpose and destiny, your dream differ and we all have different ways of achieving our dream or arrive at our destination in this global community. Life itself is risk, take risk at all cost to make your dream work, a risk taker are chaperon in this complexes society; don't remain in a circle with those who don't have dream or dream killer, whatsoever that worth achieving is worth pursuing.
I will like us to take a look at some factors of TURNING DREAMS INTO REALITY
Your beliefs affect your life more than you think they do. If you want to have the best life experience you can ever have, switch out your disempowering beliefs with empowering ones. Believe in yourself that everything are possible and that you can achieve your dream, do the impossibilities. Self-believing is the strongest weapon used against impossibility, self-doubt is an obstacles in life or in the journey of destiny. And it is what closed the pathway to success in many lives. We know they are elements that will funded to your success but the greatest element that will be determine whether you can achieve something significant or not is self-belief. Self-believing is to say that there is no limitation to what you can achieve, because you know what you are capable of doing and you are doing it but when you refused to do what you know you are able to do because of self-limitation, failure is bound to take place. There is no limit to what you can achieve until you limit yourself, you are still important. The cock that crows today was once an egg, personal limitation are the greatest restriction on the surface of the earth. You have to believe in yourself first before anyone else does. And you have to do it more than anyone ever will. A lack of belief in yourself will limit you no matter the ideas, dream or opportunities that you are exposed to. Everything you have achieved in life today is as the functions of your belief in yourself and the belief that its possible.
focus on achieving you dream that excited you
Sometimes, there are things that you give yourself to achieve that you just don’t feel passionate about it. Maybe you have a dream to become the most inspirational speaker ever in your time- and if that doesn’t make you feel excited, then there’s no reason to keep pursuing it; because they will be no passion to push you ahead. Keep your focus on the dream you have that light the candle of inspiration on fire and make you feel full and excited about doing it. Whatever your dream are, they need to inspire you. They should cause a well of longing or excitement at the mere mention or thought of them.
In life those who made the best out of it are those who refused to give up no matter what happen, success does not merely comes at the first attempt. Whatsoever you want to achieve in life, be ready to try as many as possible till your target is being achieve and become who you really want to become; till the time your dream is being achieve, nothing have you owned on life. Stand up and look up for the great things are for those who looked beyond their error and how many times they have try and failed. Don't allowed their frustration to hold them back in what they can achieve, but those who take caution of their mistakes and error. Success laid in the hand of those who believed on the fact that the life is ready to show us what we make us give up and see how determined and focused we are. Never you give up on what you know or what you are doing because nothing comes on the platter form of gold; but how constantly you do it to make sure you overcome the circumstances that can make you giving up on yourselves. Never give up, almost nothing works the first time its attempted. Just what you are doing seem to be working, doesn't mean it won't work again. It just means that it might not work the way you are doing it. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it and even more than you think you can do. Take things a day at a time. no matter how difficult your situation and frustration is, you can still get through it if you don't look too far into the future, and focus on the present moment. You can get through anything one day at a time if you refused to give up.
"Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveal the human spirit.” E.E. Cummings. Self-confidence as an individuals trust in his or her own abilities, capacities, and judgments, or belief that he or she can successfully face the day to day challenges and demands (psychology dictionary online). Have Confidence in yourself: is a quality that comes from knowing oneself. It can’t be manufactured regardless of how many material objects you own or what statuses you have. Confidence means believing in yourself and in your ability and capacity to achieve your goals in life. If you have confidence in yourself, then, your success is sure and nothing whatsoever can happened to it because you have nothing to fear. Confidence is an absent of fear, distraction, and anxiety. If you have confidence, you can do the impossible because with you everything in life is accessible and doable with the mindset of achieving it. However, I am denoting to the self-confidence needed to believe in one’s own skills, goals, dream, and ability to succeed.
When you believe in yourself you are more likely to take action. To stand up and seize the moment, and to persevere long after those who doubt themselves.
When you get ready to turn your inspiration into reality, you may not want to tell someone for fear of letting them or yourself down. However, it’s proven that once you have some accountability, you’re far more likely to follow through with your dream. So, tell someone! Or have a mentor. Find a support group of people who share your inspirations and do it with them! When you tell people, you’ll be more likely to follow through, especially if they’re someone that you love and trust to support you no matter what. When you have a support group, there won’t be anything to fear from having setbacks or reaching stumbling blocks. People who will give principles to follow through in the journey of life appropriately.
Dreaming is nothing without action. Action is the engine of every dream and purpose to be achieved. Take daily actions to turn your big dream into reality. No matter how small, every action you take gets you one step closer to your big dream, and every day you take action you build momentum. A small action every day might not feel significant at the time, but over time little things add up. Just imagine what you could achieve in a year if you did one small thing every single day to move toward your big dream! Your action is the tools that beckon on reality to show in your journey of achieving your dream and everything setout goals.
Fear of failure keeps us from doing all kinds of things! It will scared us from dare reality and possible available to us in this life. "The fear to fail is a failure itself." When we stop fearing failure, we become absolutely unstoppable! This isn’t to say that you’re going to fail – in fact, you’re much more likely to succeed than fail! But the fear of failure can stop you in your tracks before you even realize what’s happening! “If you are going places, failure is just part of the deal, but that’s a normal that every individual should have at the back of his mind. You can fix failure. You can’t fix the things you never tried. Stop to try is the domain of failure in every starting point in life.
Super successful people are always prepared. Prepare for opportunities by creating a comprehensive strategic plan incorporating your vision, values, and goals. This means a strong understanding of the new knowledge environment. To multiply the options available to you and make the most of them, keep learning and becoming better at what you do every day.
Preparation is the state of making something ready for use. Preparation is basically done in anticipation of an event occurring in the nearest future. It is also getting ready, planning, or studying with a goal in mind Preparation is the foundation of success. The most prepared persons are those one that has the best chances. That is the person that perfects his craft. The one that has those sleepless nights of working hard and those ones that love what they do. For you to achieve anything you must be ready to standout for you best, because success belongs to those who are well prepared and are ready to give nothing less than their best to whatsoever they do to achieve their goals in life. There is a saying that when preparation meet with an opportunity it result into success.
Put a Time Frame to It
Time flies, and if you haven’t got a set time frame on something, the hours, days, weeks and months can easily escape you. Put a time frame on your big dream to keep yourself moving and accountable. The best way to do this is to set a launch date and then work backwards, setting specific dates to reach milestones along the way. Time is the commodity that can't be recover after been wasted, tag your dream with time and know what to do per time.
Do what you have in Mind
Dreams are valuable commodities or possibility available in our disposal. They propel us forward. They give us energy. They inspire us, they give us hope into the future, They make us enthusiastic, they make us. Everyone ought to have a dream. But what if you’re not sure whether you have a dream you want to pursue? Let’s face it. Many people were not encouraged to dream. Others have dreams but lose hope and set them aside. I want you to know that there’s good news. You can find or recapture your dreams. And they can be big dreams, not that all dreams have to be huge to be worth pursuing. They just need to be bigger than you are. As actress Josie Bisset remarked, “Dreams come a size too big so we can grow into them.” If you’ve given up hope, lost sight of your dream or never connected with something that you think is worth dreaming and working toward, perhaps it would help you to learn about the factora why some people fail in achieving their dreams: Some people have been discouraged from dreaming by others. Many people have had their dreams knocked right out of them! The world is filled with dream crushers and idea killers. Some people are hindered by past disappointments and hurts. Disappointment is the gap that exists between expectation and reality. All of us have encountered that gap. When something goes wrong, we say, “I’ll never do that again!” What a mistake, especially when it comes to our dreams! Failure is the price we must pay to achieve success. Some people get in the habit of settling for average. Columnist Maureen Dowd says, “The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.” Dreams require a person to stretch, to go beyond average. You can’t reach for a dream and remain safely mediocre at the same time. The two are incompatible. Some people lack the confidence needed to pursue their dreams. Humor columnist Erma Bombeck observed, “It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.” It takes confidence to talk about a dream and even more to pursue it. And sometimes confidence separates the people who dream and pursue those dreams from those who don’t. Some people lack the imagination to dream. How do people discover their dreams? By dreaming! That may sound overly simplistic, but that’s where it starts. Imagination is the soil that brings a dream to life.