The quality of who you are determines the quality of your impact and destiny fulfilment; who you are is the identity of what you will become in life. Idris natty ehi.
According to Lao Tzu "Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power."
What you value produces result; sperm has no value to some people so they waste it anyhow, but to those who know the value of its product (child) as the highest asset and priority of every family, utilize it and get effective result. Sperm is the original identity of every being, we are all product of the sperm that is why it is not possible for a lion to give birth to a monkey neither an eagle to hatch a vulture nor a man to give birth to a gorilla. We all have our identity and origin, for you to know who you are, you must identify your origin and source at which you were produced. And by the time you have identified yourself and your origin is been known, what will come to mind is "what am I made for? Who am I?" These questions will draw you into the deep and you will begin to have passion to know who you are. A lion is known for roaring and equally be the strongest among the beasts because it turneth not away on anything by the velture of self identification or awareness. The eagle is known for flying ten thousand feets above sea level which no other bird of the air does. The question is "who are you? What are you known for? What is your identity?" Note: your identity will be hidden until you discover yourself and known who you are meant to be in life. Idris natty ehi.
Asking who are you is almost as hard, maybe even harder, than asking what you want or why you exist as a person (a question very few people can actually attempt to without requiring deep thought). It requires really digging deep to the core and inner most of our identity and speaking from that depth of your being. Most a time, life has caused us to be so removed from this inner most that you need a little help getting back on track to enable you answer this difficult question of "who are you?".
Note: Your identity is the true access to your destiny and possibility in life.
Identity is a tricky thing, though and personality, because you often don’t even know all the levels of your own being. Be your identity and self-discovery is the velture at which life play upon to unlock the boundary that stop you from your reality and guarantee you to accomplish the purpose at which you were created for. So, when asked, you sometime identify yourself with general statements that are usually about your physical competence, how intelligent you are, how eloquent you are, what gender you are, your geographically location, your occupation, your qualifications, your tribe and whether or not you have a family or spouse. Our true and authentic identities elude you if you always stay focused on the surface aspects we call our lives. But this is far beyond just that. It is what will align you to know what you're created for and the responsibility and value attached to your existence as a being and not your physical configuration (how beautiful or handsome you are).
To know yourself should be your first priority and question! And you must be ready to pay the price it takes to understand your identity. As a human, how can you realistically set goals, go about life and have successful purpose or destiny fulfilment, if you don't know who you are or what you were made up of; You really can't access the reality of life and the purpose at which you were created for. If you don't know who you are, it will lead to confusion, temporary destiny fulfilment and wasting much time in hit and miss situations without authentic and proof result for life. In life we tend to underestimate the importance of knowing ourselves forgetting that it is the first stage that steps you into your destiny fulfilment. Many of us go through each day reacting to events, situations and just getting by rather than making conscious choices based on who we are and what we want. At this point purpose and self knowledge is totally lacking and when purpose and self-realization are lacking, it is clear evidence on the fact that identity is been misplaced. When you don't know where you are headed it's hard to set goals, you will be dealing dialing in the middle of nowhere and end no where in life. Establish yourself for the better future.
Your identity is the touchstones of reality you can access in life, IDRIS EHI, a man who delighted in self-realization and identification lives above all circumstances in life like a man that set his feet upon solid ground because you know what to do pertime. Your identity is your most important dream or mental picture that accelerate you in the journey of life. It can't also be a set of so core principle and possiblity to achieve most time life goal and optimal life benefit. An identity defines the optimal desired future state; it tells of what you would like to achieve over a spand of time or life time. You might often see identity and personality portrayed together. These are not the same, although we can sometimes confuse the two based on your mindset. However, there’s a crucial difference: contrary to identity, your personality describes the status quo, what you are doing right now. It is in line with your current capabilities while your identity describes the real you and those realities that are embedded in your inner most being and the principles of access it. How can you use your meditation to evolve, grow, and realize your full potential without self-identification and self-realization? That’s the key question you must answer when you begin to meditate in your inner most, because like everything in life, meditation needs to be meaningful and have a worthy purpose. Every individual is unique, but I’d like to offer that meditation practice or any aspect of your spiritual, psychologically and mental being becomes meaningful by allowing you to access the reality and then become your true self through knowing yourself and what you are assigned for as a human.
Your true self or identity isn’t other-worldly, and you don’t have to call it the soul, Atman, or higher self. The experience is what matters, and experiences of the true self occur all the time just that many of us do not realizes it when it comes. These experiences are marked by how they feel:
Even though an experience of the true self is normal and natural, it is transient, coming and going apparently on its own. Why can’t you sustain the true self all the time? The most practical answer is that your other selves are constantly competing with it.
You Have Different “identity”
The word “self” poses deeper challenges and deeper possibilities and meaningful than most people realize. When you thought by yourself and says, “I just want to be my real self” or “Be the best episode of myself you can be,” the meaning is complicated by the fact that you have different identity far from what you are longing to become because something is missing. You call on each self, and transition smoothly from one to another, according to the situation and how things play out but the real question is that, have you aligned yourself with your identity? do you know what you were created for? Do you know who you are? I promise you, by the time these questions are answered beyond a reasonable doubt, then your success and access to the reality of life is nothing to talk about; filled yourself with the knowledge of who you are and diligently understand your identity then there is nothing I mean no possiblity of no aspect of life you cannot access. Inability to discover who you are is the reason why many of us remain stagnant in life and complain and accused environment, geographical location, parents and life situations to be our problem; have you ever asked yourself what you are doing wrong or where you are missing it? Identity miscarriage is the reason for that. The sky is the remote controler of the sun and moon, sessions let's assume its refuses to perform it duty, not that it's not there but its value and duty is been suspended; this make it loss value and identity of its purpose. In life you might be available but if you are not valuable no have no place in destiny, it's your value that distinguishes you and place you on high and not your name.
This detachment from your other identity is the main reason that higher consciousness is described as liberation or the touchstone to possiblity in life. You are liberated from the agendas that create the pendulum swing between pleasure and pain, duty and desire, fulfillment and frustration, situation and solution, shadow and reality. Your other identity were born in a world of opposites, or duality, and as long as you inhabit these other identity, a constant pendulum swing becomes the nature of life.
The true self exposes you to another kind of life that cannot be limited by situations and circumstances around your life, and as meditation practice deepens, the grip of your other selves begins to lessen. The mind has its source in pure consciousness in self-discovery, and once you are settled in pure consciousness, the self you automatically identify with is the true self realization. There are gradations of experience. You can expect glimpses of the true self to become deeper, more frequent, outstanding and more lasting. This is the evolution experienced by almost everyone. It takes time to establish yourself in pure consciousness in self-discovery. Every step along the path or journey of self identification is rewarding because there is a charm to the true self that silently but surely pulls you toward it despite the sacrifice you have to make. By charm I mean that the following experiences begin to become normal and your life begins to reflects your real self. That why a man can work only within his limits. Change of attitudes, approaches, and behaviours, are bound to happen, when knowledge or environment changes, knowing oneself keeps the journey of life on track. If the past activities are due to ignorance, then it is assumed a mistake, and there is no need to worry about it. Just know who you are and keep the journey of life going through every situation.
Know yourself, you must be aware of some certain points:
* You must be aware of your capacity and worth in life
* You must be aware of your strengths, weaknesses, principles, likes and dislikes
* You must be aware of your identity and origin
* You must observe and be aware of your moods, reactions and responses happenings around you persistently
* You must be thoughtful of yourself and the necessities of life
* You must be aware of how these moods and emotions affect your state of mind
* You must be aware of what you accept and environment you live
* You must Examine how you interact with others
* You must observe how your environment affects you
* You must have a sense of mental and physical lightness.
* You must Feel more centered in yourself.
* You must realize that your life has meaning.
* You must have a desire to serve rather than to live only for yourself.
* You must be subjected to yours purpose and the essence of your existence
Knowing and understanding yourself better, in turn, leads to better decision making, setting and reaching appropriate goals and ultimately living more productive life. There are many interesting personality tests and evaluations for self-discovery that can help you become more in tune to yourself and are also fun to do. Who you are is very important in the life of anyone that wants to be the best and those who don't want to misidentify themselves. Let's take our attention at this story
Note: A man who knows who he is, is like a sword but he that doesn't know himself is like a laiddown sword which is not more than a toil.
Once upon a time, a pregnant lion was on its last legs. She dies soon after giving birth. The newborn not knowing what to do, makes its way into a nearby field and mingles with a herd of sheep. The mother sheep sees the cub and decides to raise it as its own.
As time goes on, the lion cub grows up along with the other sheep and starts thinking and acting just like a sheep. It would bleat like a sheep and even eat grass!
But it was never truly happy because purpose and identity was lost. For once, it always felt that there was something missing. And secondly, the other sheep would constantly make fun of it for being so different in the look without carrying their resemblance. They would say, “You are not physically convinced and your voice sounds so weird and different from us "who are you?". Why can’t you bleat properly like the rest of us? You are a disgrace to the sheep community!” The lion would just stand there and take in all these aggressive remarks feeling extremely sad but could not do otherwise because it never discover itself. It felt it had let down the sheep community by being so different and that it was a waste of space. One fateful day, an older lion from a far off jungle sees the herd of sheep and decides to attack it. While attacking, it sees the young lion running away along with the other sheep.
Curious as to what was happening, the older lion decides to stop chasing the sheep and pursues the younger lion instead. It pounces on the lion and growls asking it why it is running away with the sheep? The younger lion shakes in fear and says, “please don’t eat me, I am just a young sheep struggle to survive. Please let me go!”. Upon hearing this, the older lion growls, “That’s nonsense! You are not a sheep, you are a lion, just like me!”. The younger lion simply repeats, “I know I am a sheep, please let me go”. At this point the older lion gets an idea. It drags the younger lion to a river nearby and asks it to look at its reflection. Upon looking at the reflection, the lion much to its own astonishment realizes who it really was; it was not a sheep, it was a mighty lion! The young lion feels so thrilled that it let’s out a mighty roar. The roar echoes from all corners of the jungle and frightens the living daylights out of all the sheep that were hiding behind the bushes to see what was happening. They all flee away. No longer will the sheep be able to make fun of the lion or even stand close to it for the lion had found its true nature, identity and who it was and its true herd. The older lion in the story is a metaphor for ‘self awareness’ and looking at the reflection in the water is a metaphor for ‘self reflection’.
When the younger lion becomes aware of its limiting beliefs through self reflection it realizes its true nature and identity as a lion and not a sheep. It is no longer influenced by its surroundings and develops a bigger vision in alignment with its nature kind and identity.
Just like the younger lion in this story, you might have been brought up in surroundings that were negative and hence accumulated many negative beliefs about yourself or limiting yourself from the reality of life because of lack of self-realization. Bad parenting, bad teachers, bad peers, media, government and societal norms can have all these negative influences on you when you are young and yet to discover yourself and who you are. From this point of view and the story you just heard, I believe you are released from those influences and bondage of identity misplacement in life. Because I am fully assure that as from today, you will never be a victim of identity misplacement and self-discovery. In life reality is dominside in self-discovery and realization of who you are.
As an adult, it is easy to lose yourself in negative thoughts and to start feeling like a victim by blaming the past. But that will only keep you stuck in the current reality discover the missing ingredient. To change your reality and find your identity, you need to start working on your inner self and focus all your energy towards becoming your real self and not what you assume or accepting what people around thinks about you.
Note: Your reflection is the real identity of who you are and how you look in the face of destiny, your reflection is your real identity in the physical.
Remember: Life is a seed, it bear the fruit of its kind and have the taste of its kind and also have the identity of it kind. Your kind determine the standard and quality of your life as a being.
As a human there are realities that we are yet to know or discover about who we are; there are some in depth that we need to pull out. The reason why you do things a times and you are wondering if you were the one that really did it is because you don't know "who you are" till you discover yourself, some things will seems like a shadow of reality in your life. Your number one mission in life is that of self-discovery which is the access to destiny. If you know who you are, then you will be able to figure out what to do, or not to do. You will also attract like minded people, who can help you in your endeavors. Know who you are and you will always find the courage to face whatever comes your way. "If you can trust yourself inside that you are a king or a queen. People around you will get the vibe and start believing and honoring you as a real king or queen. Who are you? It's all about you. What you actually believe inside you are literally that outside." Lord Robin.
There are so many possilities that are available at your disposal without you realizes it; there are answers that comes across your mind on a daily basis without you noticing it because you don't know who you are as a person and what you are capable of achieving. Knowing yourself is very important than any other things you may think of as long as you are a human. Come! Have you ever tried to find out yourself or wondered who you really were? It might sounds like an easy question to answer and funny, trust me, you would probably be surprised how little you actually are aware of when it comes to yourself. Some of us never thought about who we are before now and don't care to know because everything seems like we are the one controlling it to happen. There are so many things about us that is hidden from us whether we like it or not, until we realize that we need to know who we are and stand up for that, the unknown realities, potentials, and purpose of our being will remain unfulfilled. your inability to discover yourself make you a Victim of circumstances.... You are expected to look beyond yourself, your environment, the situation around your life and draw out the purpose at which you were created for into play, the subconscious is a strange and wonderful place. "You are What you eat, what you think, what you believe, what you do, and you are the average of people with whom you spend most of your time."
There are some major existential questions we are going to be dealing with which will gives us understanding about who we are as a people. Are you ready? Okay, let's go!
= What is the meaning of life (your existence), and who am I? The definition of life has long been a challenge for scientists and philosophers, with many varied definitions put forward.This is partially because life is a process, not a substance. This is complicated by a lack of knowledge of the characteristics of living entities, if any, that may have developed outside of Earth. Philosophical definitions of life have also been put forward, with similar difficulties on how to distinguish living things from the non-living. Legal definitions of life have also been described and debated, though these generally focus on the decision to declare a human dead, and the legal ramifications of this decision. Here come to understand the fact that there are purpose and delicate assignment we're meant to accomplished which seem to be the main or sole purpose of our existence as human and not just the characteristics of being that we are. How to know the purpose and assignment at which you are created make you know who we are; by the time you discover the value attached to your existence, then, you will know your worth and possibility that is available to you and you will passionately pay the price to access it. We are individual born with inborn or talents to be display here earth but your inability to discover that makes you doom of yourself and potentiality placed on your existence as a being. By the time you stood up with the knowledge of your worth and what you are meant to achieve, then the understanding or question of "who are you" is getting and answer from the depth. Before you see that you are creative, it is when you think you can do and you belt up for the reality of that which you think you can do; and you will see yourself doing it with time and the mindset of you know who you are and what you are capable of achieving.
I was the person that would passively pass through life. I breezed through the motions with writing on. I was a boy who just passing through, unable to see through the haze of familiar pain and law of territory impediment or influences. It gave me a prescriptive identity that outlined how I was to view the world and myself. Fast-forward a couple of years, in the midst of a psychological crisis, I decided to embark on a journey toward personal discovery this was before I got admission into the university. I set out before myself purpose to be achieved, assignment to be accomplished, objective to be achieved, till the best I could was meant because I put upon myself the price tag. As time went on, i grown up with a cry in my depths passionately hungry for writing and I grabbed and put it upon myseif despite the fact that I don't know what I was actual writing nor setback because of what people around says but I believed that with time I will get to know what my cry meant. Today here am I doing that which gives me joy which is the cry I had in my spirit long ago. This quest involved seeking the answer to one of life’s most fundamental questions of human existence. This is when I came to realizes that I am no longer recognized the person that I once was but this didn’t mean that I was lost. I had shed the layers of an identity that served its purpose at the time but was no longer useful to my present way of being in the world. Throughout the process of self-discovery, I learned that I could never truly lose myself because the self is anything but constant and static, a moment in time. Finding yourself involves a perpetual phoenix-like state of re-capitulation. I found myself by realizing that I was never lost, to begin with what I am meant to achieve. That I have responsibilities an worth that was place upon me from creation; that makes me restless about knowing who I am and what I was meant to accomplished as the purpose of my existence running through my mind. A time came in my life I began by asking myself what qualities I admire in a human being? This outlined an ideal to aspire toward and a counter-ideal to steer clear of. I decided who it is that I want to be and then aimed, single-mindedly at that ideal. This was done on my own terms, I was sure to choose an ideal that fulfils the role of what an ideal looks like to me. I thought in terms of: setting things up as I need them to be and being the person I needed to be, then imagined what that would look like. Then I say, what is our need for identity?
Our sense of identity affects every single thing in our lives from the choices we make to the values we live by; and the discovery we made about what we are capable of doing and also what we love doing. According to Heshmat “Few people choose their identities. Instead, they simply internalize the values of their parents or the dominant cultures (e.g., pursuit of materialism, power, and appearance). Sadly, these values may not be aligned with one’s authentic self and create unfulfilling life.” Furthermore, we each hold different identities ourselves, sons, daughters, parents, friends. Each role, Heshmat adds, has “its own meanings and expectations that are internalized as identity." Psychologists assume that the identity formation is a matter of “finding oneself” by matching one’s talents and potential with available social roles. Thus, defining oneself within a social world is among one of difficult choice a person ever makes. Often, in the face of identity struggle, many end up adopting darker identities, such as drug abuse, compulsive shopper, or gamble, as a compensatory method of experiencing aliveness or staving off depression and meaninglessness.” this remain me about campus life and I realized that everyone on campus know who they are and can identified their real identity. On the contrary, people who have successfully found their authentic selves are happy and more content. This is because they are “able to live a life true to their values and pursue meaningful goals.” and this is the mean purpose of everyone of us here on earth.
= discovery yourself: important adventure of our lives is discovering who we really are. Yet, so many of us walk around either not really knowing or listening to an awful inner critic that gives us all the wrong ideas about ourselves. We mistakenly think of self-understanding as self-indulgence, and we carry on without asking the most important question we’ll ever ask: Who am I really? As Mary Oliver put it, “what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Finding yourself may sound like an inherently self-centered goal, but it is actually an unselfish process that is at the root of everything we do in life. In order to be the most valuable person to the world around you, the best partner, parent etc, we have to first of all know who we are, what we value and, in effect, what we have to offer. This personal journey is one every individual will benefit from taking. Self-discovery is a life time trace that demand sacrifice and concrete decision in paying the price tag on your destiny. It is a process that involves breaking down shedding layers that do not serve us in our lives and don’t reflect who we really are. Yet, it also involves a tremendous act of building up recognizing who we want to be and passionately going about fulfilling our unique destiny whatever that may be. It’s a matter of recognizing our personal power, yet being open and vulnerable to our experiences. It isn’t something to fear or avoid, berating ourselves along the way, but rather something to seek out with the curiosity and compassion we would have toward a fascinating new friend. With these principles in mind, we will highlights some points of the most universally useful steps to this very individual adventure.
Remember: your sense is the architecture and power hold of your life and possibility that is available at your disposal. Idris natty ehi.
In order to uncover who you are and why you act the way you do, you have to know your own story. Being brave and willing to explore your past is an important stepping stone on the road to understanding yourself and becoming who you are meant to be. I came to realize that it isn’t just the things that happened to you that define who you become, but how much you’ve made sense of what’s happened to you. Unresolved traumas from your history inform the ways you act today. life story coherence has a “statistically significant relationship to psychological well-being.” The more you form what Dr. Daniel Siegel talks about as a “coherent narrative” of your live, the better able you are to make mindful, conscious decisions in your present that represent your past. I'm are saying that you should remain in the past, but making the past lesions that guides you in the journey of life. Note: knowledge and wisdom from experience is an antidote to ignorance of self-understanding. This help you to avoid mockery of yourself or not to be a victim of several errors or mistake which you have experienced in the past but to make it stepping stone in your real self. We all have past experiences some worth holding while some are error in themselves yet it gives you expouser to reality in life. You will be able to draw out your purpose and realizes who you are Where you are coming from or Bron is not strong enough to hold you back from discovery yourself, all is at the function of the mindset and the passion you have about being yourself in this temporary world. The attitudes and atmosphere you grew up in have a heavy hand on how you act as adults. But it is not strong enough to be an impediment that will thwart you from self realization or discovery, sometimes it has a lot to do “As children, people not only identify with the defenses of their parents but also to societal norms also corrups their mind and tend to incorporate into themselves the critical or hostile attitudes that were directed toward them. These destructive personal attacks become part of the child’s developing personality, forming an alien system, the anti-self, distinguishable from the self-system, which interferes with and opposes the ongoing manifestation of the true personality of the individual.” this only take ground when you allowed your mind to be well tied with the societal norms, and environmental influences and shut the door at self discovery.
Painful early life experiences often determine how we define and defend ourselves. In short, they bend us out of shape, influencing our behavior in ways in which we are hardly aware. For example, having a harsh parent may have caused us to feel more guarded. We may grow up always feeling on the defense or resistant to trying new challenges for fear of being ridiculed. It’s easy to see how carrying this uncertainty with us into adulthood could shake our sense of identity and limit us in different areas that is if we leave it to remain with us. To break this pattern of behavior, it’s valuable to acknowledge what’s driving it. We should always be willing to look at the source of our most self-limiting or self-destructive tendencies.
When we try to cover up or hide from our past experiences, we can feel lost and like we don’t really know ourselves. We may take actions automatically without asking why. In his book Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation, Dr. Siegel wrote of an interaction with his son, in which he’d lost his temper. After reflecting on the incident a bit later, Dr. Siegel realized that his emotional outburst had more to do with feelings he’d had as a child toward his brother than with his perception of his son today. He wrote of the experience, “I realize once again how many layers of meaning our brain contain, and how quickly old, perhaps forgotten, memories can emerge to shape our behavior. These associations can make us act on automatic pilot.” By reflecting on the past, using a technique called mindsight, “a kind of focused attention that allows us to see the internal workings of our own minds,” Dr. Siegel was able to make sense of his experience, then talk to his son about what happened and repair the situation. With mindsight I was able to make use of the reflections that arose from that conflict to arrive at more clarifying insights into my own childhood experiences. This is how the most challenging moments of our lives can become opportunities to deepen our self-understanding and our connections with others. By engaging in this type of thinking and being willing to face the memories that arise, we gain invaluable insights into our behavior. And to believe every change we are expected to make in other to live that life you have been wishing to live; that self discovery life style. We can then start to consciously separate from the more harmful influences from our history and actively alter our behavior to reflect how we really think and feel and how we choose to be in the world.
Differentiation refers to the process of striving to develop a sense of ourselves as independent individuals. In order to find ourselves and fulfill our unique destinies, we must differentiate from destructive interpersonal, familial and societal influences that don’t serve us. To Dr. Firestone “To lead a free life, a person must separate him/herself from negative imprinting and remain open and vulnerable,” In his work with hundreds of individuals struggling with this exact process, he’s developed four essential steps of differentiation. "To find yourself first learn about yourself." Finding the real you is an enlightening experience. You become self-sufficient and do things for yourself, for once. It's a hard feeling to put into words, but when you don't know who you are, it's hard to ignore. Finding yourself is not easy, but it's worth it. It is something that have to do with a ready minded person who have made up his mind to this self discovery and nothing else goes through the mind than become the real person he is meant to be and passionately strive from the obstacles of the past and circumstances that surrounded you. Reality is something that you cannot make with weaker and shallow mindedness but until you stand up, you look up, you loom up and sign out never to give up in knowing your worth and what it takes to be your real self, if not, something is still missing. Remember, creation never gives us all the chances to become ourselves, but personal passion about what the creation holds and the purpose he was created remain a mystery which pushed us to try. That was the reason why some possibilities are not available to us until we try it and bexomes available. Note: before you were called a child, you were conceived in the womb of your mother as the handwork of sperm, you were not born immediately you passes through stages and finally be born as a child then your gender was the first thing they will ask of likewise; your identity and who you are is the first to know as a person before you can make the life effectively. Idris natty ehi For you to discover yourself or know who you are, there are processes you need to passes through to know who you are:
Knowing your authentic self, real self, or original self, your true self is the most honest aspect of who you are in life. In other words, your true self is the most authentic version or episode of you and what you are meant to be in life. Put all ego, affectations, and pretensions aside. Your true self is the real you when you’re at your most open self, vulnerable, and carefree. Think about the times you’ve spent with those you’re 90% comfortable or reliable with the times when you’ve been completely alone. These circumstances often reveal your true self because you think deep and bring the best of you into reality. Self realization is not all about Wondering about the surrounding, environment, and the common thing around your life but bring out the real being and manifesting credibility and inner most into being. You worth more than you think but this will remain a mystery until your identity is being reviewed or discovered. Life is not all about busying with the available activities of each new dawn struggling with challenges of life but draw your attention to the most authentic expression of your character, personality and identity which gives access to the real you.
Create your own life timeline. Write down all of your major goals that you feel you have achieved and want to achieve. In turn, write down the events in your life that have already happened and that have shaped or affected you. When life brings problems or misfortunes it shapes our belief system and makes you think differently, but it also makes you. These things you list are organically you, not a simple reflection of society. This isn't an exercise in wallowing, It's about clarification and identification of issues. These issues might be keeping you from reaching your present potential and letting your true self blossom.
Spend a little time clarifying the past in your timeline. A timeline is an incredibly objective method for marking down past occurrences in your life that you consider to be major. You can look at them as formation blocks and as changing experiences along your timeline without imbuing them with too much emotion (as would occur within a diary account). As if writing a resume, keep it simple, real, and condensed to the major effects or lessons learned from each past incident.
When analyzing negative past experiences, focus on what you learned from them and what got you into it never to try again. Everyone has these blips in their timeline, but exaggerating or ignoring them won't help you. Instead, recognize that these experiences shaped you and if you remain in it then, you are still in your shadow not your real self and for you to get out of it to become who you were meant to be, make it lessons or an error that must be corrected.
Distinguish your thoughts from the thoughts of others. By the time you take others people's thought to be yours and follow their pathway in this journey of life, you will never get to your destination. Remember: life is like a rope we all learn how to claim it successfully. Life is in phases and we all have our own part different from the other and live at the detriment of our own self. For most people (it's more common than you may think) life is pretty easy to go through while on autopilot; we practically get handed a road map for how reality "works." Go to school, get a job, get married, think this, that, and the other, and boom hope you had a good time. And that's all well and good it gets the job done certainly but it doesn't allow room for you. So sit down with yourself and analysis your life and the environment you dwells and Fitch out what you can achieve as a purpose of you been there. At the end of the timeline, come up with a few beliefs of yours that aren't based on logic, but are based on what you've been told. We all have them. Now, what do you actually think?
Society has a very covert way of handing us the "misfits", condemning the "losers", idolizing the "beautiful", alienating the "strange." But here's a heads up: These describing words have no basis in reality. How do you feel about the world around you? Think about what you believe to be good and bad not what anyone else has told you neither allow yourself to be cripple by societal norms.
Feel free to think more concretely. Do you actually agree with your parents' political or religious affiliations? Is having a career really the most important thing to you? Do thick, black glasses really make you feel "cooler?" If the answer is no, great! There's absolutely zero problems with not molding yourself to pre-existing norms. Now all you have to do is unlearn and then relearn. Only this time, relearn based on your gut. In all avoid self limitations because it's the mother of destiny misplacement in life and also the shortcut to nothingness.
Start relying on yourself. Confidence and reliance are at the heart of finding yourself. If you don't have a solid sense of self-worth, self discovery, you'll listen to what others have to say all the time and to be swayed by their insistence on what is appropriate. Indeed, it’s far easier to be told how to live than to decide how to live. However, your purpose is something you need to decide on your own." Learn to believe in yourself and trust your own feelings. Then, you'll come up with a structure to base your new sense of self on. Remember, be patient with yourself and confident in your abilities. Everything will come with time.
If you have been victimized in the past, confront these issues. They're not going to go away on their own. They might be coloring your approach to daily life, causing you to live up to other people's expectations instead of your own. And hold you backwards, release it and take a new step into reality without faking yourself.
Start trusting your own judgment and decision-making processes, mistakes and all. We all make mistakes, but through mistakes we find ourselves growing, learning, and reaching our real selves.
Start taking responsibility for budgeting, household matters, and planning about the future. People who lack a sense of self tend to disregard the "details" of life with a carefree attitude, believing that things will all sort themselves out. But things don't always sort themselves out you sort them out if not they will remain a stumbling block at the journey of new change of life. Taking responsibility pulls you back from the precipice and lets you be self-reliant and self-determined, no longer carried along by the waves of fate but of reality.
Immerse yourself in solitude. Give yourself some time and space to get away from the expectations, the conversations, the noise, the media, and the pressure. Take some time each day to go for a long walk and think. Plant yourself on a park bench and look. Take a long, thoughtful road trip. Whatever you do, move away from anything that distracts you from contemplating your life and where you want it to go. In solitude, you should feel independent and self-sufficient, not lonely, needy or afraid.
Every person needs time alone, whether they're extroverted or introverted, single or in a relationship, young or old. Solitude is time for rejuvenation and self-talk, for utter peace and for realizing that purposeful "loneliness" is not a bad place to be but rather, a liberating part of your overall existence. This is where you give your thought to positive thinking, walking in alignment with possibility available to you in the quality decisions in solitude and come out with a renew mentality and beliefs. Note: He that cannot think cannot change and cannot have quality future.
If you are a creative person, you may find that alone-time will help stoke your creativity. While it's nice to collaborate with other people sometimes, it's hard to be truly creative when you're always surrounded by other people. Step back and tap into your creativity. Some people are obstacles distance yourself and come unto your deep that inborn of you, reality you're turning to shadow and be real. According Carl Jung: “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
Your purpose is the reason for your existence, live your life beyond the environment you find yourself in to achieve the mean reason why you were created. You're not a sample but identity of a true being packaged with potentials and goals to achieve. Idris natty ehi.
This question remain a mystery despite that, we all help purpose why we were created if the common beasts has, you have more than expected; if a TV was produced for a purpose and its purpose is to display an image on its screen and the main purpose of a TV is not been carried out it means it has no value to its own and producer. So also it to us, we have purpose why we created we are not a nonentity; we have purpose and our purpose is to achieve the plans of God for humanity to be fulfilled. Note: we are not created as a sample but as a symbol; you were not created because God lack what to do or what to catch fun with but you were created for a delicate purpose. Have you ever ask yourself if you have ever done anything different before? If yes, what was that, that is your purpose. The service you rendered, help, impart and your attention is also purpose of one creation. Hence, happiness is not a cause but an effect. It’s the effect of living in alignment to the purpose at which you were created. It’s what happens when you’re living your daily life with purpose and priority.
This is one of the great philosophical questions of life. Why do I exist? What gives my life meaning? What is the point? We all seek an answer or provide our own response. Existence is the ability of an entity to interact with physical or mental reality. Idealism holds that the only things that exist are thoughts and ideas, while the material world is secondary. In idealism, existence is sometimes contrasted with transcendence, the ability to go beyond the limits of existence. As a form of epistemological idealism, rationalism interprets existence as cognizable and rational, that all things are composed of strings of reasoning, requiring an associated idea of the thing, and all phenomena (including consciousness) are the result of an understanding of the imprint from the noumenal world in which lies beyond the thing-in-itself.
In scholasticism, existence of a thing is not derived from its essence but is determined by the creative volition of God, the dichotomy of existence and essence demonstrates that the dualism of the created universe is only resolvable through God. Empiricism recognizes existence of singular facts, which are not derivable and which are observable through empirical experience.
The exact definition of existence is one of the most important and fundamental topics of ontology, the philosophical study of the nature of being, existence, or reality in general, as well as of the basic categories of being and their relations. Traditionally listed as a part of the major branch of philosophy known as metaphysics, ontology deals with questions concerning what things or entities exist or can be said to exist, and how such things or entities can be grouped, related within a hierarchy, and subdivided according to similarities and differences. We all find a reason for existing but to some it remain a mystery. The hidden Power is always working with us. It is always with us and involved in our all activities in form of energy , spirit and intelligence. The main purpose of our existence is to recognise the nearness of this super power and try to understand the expectations of this lovely power. Since ancient times, philosophers have tried to answer many questions, existence, immortality, the mystery of creation, the Creator..., the existence of life on other planets, all interpreted according to his experience, and ultimately die mystery and reason of existence. To some they understand the existence as If I suppose the earth as a classroom and people are students, the question will be how important is our existence in this room? so, there are students who learn things and others who do not. In the end there is an exam, there are students who succeed with good scores and other were not. The main purpose of our existence is to succeed in life by doing good things (acts) and doing our best to get a good score from our creator. We are not created for fun and symbol there are reality and possibility that are available to us; unless you understand the main purpose why you ware created otherwise you will remain just form without value. Your existence is for a purpose and this purpose is what you are here to meet as a person and not just existing for existing sake. You are created to fulfill or release the potentials that the lord of the creation deposited on your inside. If this purpose and assignment is not been fulfill, then you remain just a shadow of yourself because it is that purpose you met that gives value to your existence. Where are you coming from is not important but "who are you" that count at this point, look far off yourself and other things God created; carrying out their purpose is it you that will realizes what you meant to be? God forbid! Give reasons to your existence and live a purposeful live.
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ―Aristotle
To truly know yourself is the most important skill you can ever possess. When you know who you are, you know what you need to do, instead of looking for permission from others to do what you already know you ought to do. It allows you to bypass tons of frustration caused by putting time into the wrong things. Yes, life is supposed to be full of trial and error, but this lets you find the best areas for you to experiment with in the first place. Once you know yourself, you will become more confident, you will understand your purpose, and you will begin making a bigger impact on the world.
You cannot and will not be able to know yourself until you take the time to be still. Many people don’t know themselves because any sort of silence scares them; it’s too uncomfortable to be alone with every flaw staring back at them. But it isn’t until you get alone, evaluate yourself, you initiated yourself into a positive thoughts and are completely truthful with yourself that you will actually be able to see every facet of your life—the good and the bad. Be quiet and discover your true self. “Observing yourself is the necessary starting point for any real change.” —Chalmers Brothers. Realize who you truly are, not who you want to be. I know you already have a set idea of who you desperately want to be, but it might not be who you were designed to be; this is why knowing who you really are is so important. When you know who you are, you will finally see where you and your specific gifts fit into the bigger picture. And although there are many points along your journey to help you discover yourself, the best way to begin is to take a personality test and the StrengthsFinder test. (If it’s been five or more years since you’ve completed either of these, take them again.) No, these self-evaluations aren’t perfect, but they do pinpoint your top areas of strengths, so you can focus on the change you were meant to bring into the world.
If you don’t know yourself, hearing what others have to say about you is a helpful practice. Ask them two simple questions: “What strengths do you think I need to develop further?” and “What weaknesses do you think I need to work on?” Of course, their opinion isn’t going to be perfect, but their feedback will probably indicate a few areas you should at least take a second look at. This step is especially important for those who are stuck in finding themselves. Sometimes those closest to us can see something we might not be able to see in ourselves.
Have you ever reflected on life and its reality? Why do we do what we do? I mean all reasonable people have a goal in mind when they do something. We never do things for no reason anything we do in respective of its kind and out, it is still for a purpose (unless the person is crazy ).. Even in their mental disorder, they found reason in doing it just that it is in abnormal ways.
We get born, then live 50 or 90 years and we die... Anything that you do will get back to the dust. Whatever it is all the arts, sciences and everything that you accomplish disappears for you, and then for others. Why go through all of it if the end result is zero (when you die) and zero for others when they die? For some little bug with its insignificant life we can deal with. But with humans and all of their accomplishements? Why go through life if it is all for not? Who works for no pay? Life has more disappointments than pleasures. You have to work hard for many hours to enjoy few hours at home... Bad things happen... Good people die while bastards live. Our body is full of problems. We age, we get sick, we expereince pain (emotional, mentally, psychological and physical) for what? Pleasure that we expereince is temporary and you could say non existent. The pleasure does not last forever and because of it, afterwards it is almost a zero. For example, sex is one of the biggest physical pleasures that we get. But you feel the climax only for a short time (as with ANY normal pleasure out there). I live for the future of my dreams to be accomplished for my fulfillment of enjoyment and the benefit of humanity with sharing of process. If you don't know what you are made for as a human, you keep running in the emptiness of this life but whenever you realize that you live for a purpose and the purpose is not and earthnic things alone but eternity. That moment of pleasure will come a time when everything that makes you glade lose authority in continue emptiness of evolution. If you discover what you live for, you will live with the future in view and that only your deep coming unto then, you become restless until that target is been met.
My philosophy is living for the present while keep focused with the future. The direction is direct for most people who are specialists, but generalists often follow a zig-zag path forward. The speed of our motion depends on how much our past holds us back. We either forget it and move on; ignore it while it tugs at us; accept it and control its force, or be proactive and resolve the issue so we may move forward faster. Remaining in the past is a clear evidence of that fact that you don't have what you live for. Your past is strong enough to hold you back in your vomits but not strong to withstand the decision of change and realization. Nothing is possible in the absent of trying, try the impossible in it lies greatness and power to try the future. Live life to the fullest and strive every moment to accomplish your personal goals while getting along with others. Help others strive for organizational goals and aid yourself to strive for personal goals. When the two conflict each other, prioritize them. Keep each one significant and work at both regardless the obstacles facing you if you don't give up they will triumph. Your priority is that you know who you are and what you live for.
While society places social restraints on things we want or do, commonly implied and accepted widespread, does not mean that we cannot challenge the common rule by minority win, if it was meant to be. For example, a person is 20 and wants to play football at a college. He talks to a coach and explains he never played school football before. The coach may discourage the person by saying we prefer those who played high school. You may even disclose your best asset, but he may respond that your asset is not the only thing you need, but you are still welcome to try out as a walk-on. Stereotypes provide limitations, but sometimes provide quality. True or false? The point here is that the person asking to try out for the football team has a choice at that point and time to try out or not; however, the coach's negative statement deters the person from trying out so chooses not to. People don't need to accept everything said but adhere in listening to what is being said and what lies deep within oneself. The best chance you could make or have in life is to try again and make choice, who you are (your height, colour, region and kind) never count in the face of reality and what you live for; its all the matter of mindset and decision of becoming who you were meant to be.
We are nothing but the result of choices that we have made in our life, the impossibilities we have tried, the impact we have made on the society and realities we have pulled out. Assuming we have no control over our external factors and the choices made by other persons in our lives. If you believe in paradigm of alternate universe then you will realize that even the smallest of our decision has the potential to alter our life completely. Be it the flight you missed, the uncle with funny accent you met on some bus journey, the cute girl you met in some bar each of these person who Acidently becomes a part of your life alters your life forever in some way however little that might be. "... as science says, you are what your consciousness is and your consciousness is an emergent property of information processing from your ambient milieus... " therefore, who you are is a function of a set of attributes and attitudes you consciously and subconsciously pick up from the contemporary ambient environment both physical as well as psychological... usually, ambient culture colors our consciousness the most... that is why, we all are more often than not a product of our contemporary culture as well as the archetypes, which our culture holds true for us since ages. Your mind is the master of you and which you allowed to run through it and you accept make you who you are today be it bad or good is at the result of that which passes through your inner most. If you want to be the person you really want to be, do have what you afirm and what you decline, your life can be control or influence by people around you and what you accept as a norm still yet, you are the director of your life. Your are the best actitecture of your life and destiny. Live it with the full purpose and a goal oriented, keep your head straight and your mind pure with positive thoughts with that, you will be yourself.
Your greatness and self identification is anchored on the vision you have received and how you brought them into reality. Idris natty ehi.
Are people getting their money’s worth? Is the message really reaching the pew? Are ordinary individuals improving their lives, making their world a better place just because of their understanding of the role and place of vision in life? Well, I am not very sure of that. That is why I have found it necessary at this juncture of my expository series of thoughts to address the topic of vision. It’s role, importance and essence in every individual’s life. I therefore hope that this little contribution to the discourse would help at least a few to seek a vision for their lives and begin to live a meaningful, purposeful and intentional life to enable them realizes their identity.
"When you have a sense of your own identity and a vision of where you want to go in life, you then have the basis for reaching out to the world and going after your dreams for a better life. -Stedman Graham"
I used to think it was a silly waste of time to think about a vision for my life. But then, as I started learning how to change my life and my habits, I realized something: people avoid creating a vision for their lives because they believe the exercise is futile. Why make a vision when it’s impossible to accomplish those things anyway? I’ve also noticed something over the past several years: the most interesting, accomplished people I know all have a vision for their lives. They seem to know what comes next, like they’ve seen the future. On the other hand, people I meet or know who are stuck and have that hopeless look in their eyes, like they’re just passing time in life without joy or aspiration, those people don’t have a vision. In fact, many of them don’t even have long-term goals. This was painfully clear at my recent understanding. What would be worse than being born blind? To have sight without vision. Does having a vision make you better able to change your life, or does being able to change your life make having a vision possible?
Being able to change your life and having a vision for it are the yin and yang of living a great life. They’re interdependent and complimentary of one another. One will jump-start the other. Find the motivation to change your life, and you’ll be able to create a vision for it. Or, create a vision for your life and then learn how to change it. What's the difference between a life vision and long-term goals? Goals are individual experiences and accomplishments you strive for. A vision is the bigger picture. Your life’s vision defines who you want to be, what you want to be known for and the set of experiences and accomplishments you aim for. Your vision helps define the goals by giving you a framework to evaluate those goals.
A vision is a picture or idea you have in the mind of yourself, your business, or anything this is going to happen. A clear vision helps you pursue dreams and achieve goals; an idea of the future, a strong wish. A vision that is clear will open your mind to the endless possibilities of the future. A vision will help you to overcome obstacles in the way and helps you hold on when times are tough. A vision that is well defined helps you to focus and create a purpose that becomes your measurement for your success. If you do not have a vision of who you want to be, how you want to succeed or what you want out of life, you begin to lack drive and your life becomes just an order of events. A strong and current vision connects with your passions and greatest potentials. Regardless of what is going on in the world or challenges that present themselves, a vision helps you know what and why you are doing the things you are doing. Having a vision is most important in the path of your success in life. You feel much more valuable as a person when you set and achieve visions and goals.
The Importance of a Vision
A vision can be used in two different ways: inspiration and prediction. It is first used to inspire you in reaching something that you are wanting. It is also used in prediction for changes in the future and interests you have. A vision might be the most powerful way to keep your focused on what you want in life while keeping you motivated in achieving it. A vision will open up your mind to many possibilities and a brighter and bigger future. When you can envision a future that is better, happier, more productive, you are more likely to make the changes that are necessary for you to reach that type of life.
Visions within leaders
When a leader has a vision, they have the ability to see today as it is and calculate a future that grows and improves. A successful leader can see the future and still stay focused in the present. For a successful leader, a vision is not seen as a dream, but a reality that has not come into existence. A vision is easily perceived for leaders because their dedication and confidence as extremely strong. Leaders are able to spend hours upon hours to bring their visions into reality. Their vision acts as a force within them, driving them to action.
A vision is a strong force in anyone’s life, but a vision is essential in business. It is a target in which a leader focuses on resources and energy. The continual presence of a vision helps to motivate against forces of resistance: failure, emotional hardships (negative feedback) and real hardships (issues in the company). When a vision is spread through a company, it pushes both the leaders and employees toward the same goals together rather than separately. Visions can successfully turn a corporate hierarchy into a harmonious and well-organized group. A vision of a leader can be spread to others with proper communication. It can be discussed and perfected by all of those who have invested in it and believe it. A vision is the glue that holds together individuals of a group with the same goal. It has been confirmed that the lack of vision is the limitation of life and destiny. The lack of vision is the enemy of distinction in life. You cannot have a solid destiny if you lack vision. Examples abound in the scripture of people who lacked vision and lost out in destiny. Esau was one of them. Esau had no vision for his future. He attached no significance to his birthright. He discarded his birthright because of a plate of food (Genesis 25:31-34); and he became nothing in life. The generations of Esau are nobody today; the Edomites are not significantly identified on the earth today because their forefather sold their future. Esau sold the future of his children. Beloved,"I decree the reversal of any negative ancestral transaction in your lineage by the Blood of Jesus Christ. You will fulfil your days in Jesus’ Name.
Samson was another person who lacked the vision for his destiny. The challenge with Samson was that he did not understand who he was. His mother was forbidden from taking fermented drink or touching anything that was unclean (Judges 13": 7) while she was carrying him in her womb. The kind of anointing he carried prepared his mother before his birth,"yet when he was born, he behaved like a blind man. He obviously wasn’t aware of who he was. Beloved, it is not humility not to know who you are. Samson did not know who he was. He did not understand the significance of his existence or the implication of his life. He was not aware of the consecration that brought him forth. So, he squandered his destiny in a hurry. And his mightiness became a toil in the hands the Philistines and he died like a caward in the mist of his contemporaries. May you walk in the full realisation of the implication of your destiny in the land of the living in Jesus’ Name._
Who do you Want To Be?
Your vision should include who you want to be. It is important to know clearly who you are right now to know who you want to become. This includes your habits, attitudes, and points of view. If you are unclear about yourself, you will be unclear about your future. The destination of your vision should be emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual
Have Vision
The first step in creating a vision is to know exactly what you want. If you have a hard time creating a vision, reading history can help you see past changes and what changes you might like for yourself. Ask yourself where you want to see yourself in so many years. Do you want to be healthy? Wealthy? Tell yourself specifically how you picture your life. Anything is possible within a vision. When you build your vision, vision big. When you create a successful vision, you begin to feel passionate about it. The only way to be successful in your vision is to visualize it and set goals and a plan of action to reach your vision. Over time, you will begin to see more parts of your vision coming true until one day you see yourself living your vision. A vision is the capability to see beyond your current reality, creating and inventing what does not now exist and becoming what you are not right now. A vision is important in all aspects of life; physically, emotional, corporately. Building your vision does not have to be difficult as long as you know exactly what it is you see for yourself in the future.
A dream is a vision, insight, an ambition, or objective. It is the picture of the future we create in our minds of what we desire to achieve or become in life. We are often told that we should dream big. Have a dream that is bigger than you. You will go as high as your dreams. That if we want to be great in life we should have dream and pay attention and the ideas that suddenly occur to us at the edge of deep thoughts. But what exactly does that mean? What is a dream?
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "a dream is a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep; or an idea or vision that is created in your imagination and that is not real; or something that you have wanted very much to do, be, or have for a long time." We can define a big dream as follows: A big dream is a substantial wish or an aspiration for something, of which when we attain it; we believe it would fulfill or satisfy an inner longing or desire of a person. A big dream is a powerful idea. Different people have different dreams. A dream gives us the focus and passion we need in the journey of life. We all have a secret or not so secret wish list of things that we desire in life. It could range from something as simple as wanting to be a better person, wishing to make a difference in your life and that of others, to things like getting a job, getting a college degree, buying a car, and a house. Other dreams include: getting married, having children, getting a promotion, having good friends, leading a comfortable life, being financially independent, helping others, starting a business, inventing something, traveling around the world, becoming rich, becoming famous, winning an Olympics gold medal, retiring early, wishing to go to the moon, traveling to space, wanting to fly, and diving to the deepest depths of an ocean. More dreams include a desire to win an Oscar, to be a millionaire, to be a billionaire, to be a philanthropist or to get a PhD. Whatever your dream is, you should own it and be proud of it and pay the price to access it.
A big dream is a bold vision of the future, a vision that both scares and excites you at the same time. It brings out your passion, imagination, creativity and a willingness to take and embrace risk. Its your dream that give you insight to do that wish you can imagine, that which you desire and longing to achieve; it is what push you into the world for the fulfillment of your target. It's giving the mind notice to that which you passionately wanting and achieving that which you were created for, what you're meant to do to achieve destiny. A dream is having the picture of the future in mind and work passionately to abtain that goal you setout or that which you meant to accomplished. You can see the final destination in your mind’s eye and it inspires and empowers you. A big dream is the fire in your belly that fills you up with a craving to make yourself and things better.
Stepping into your dream step one:
Write Down Your Big Dream: You should write down your big dream. The very act of writing it down signifies a commitment to yourself that you are willing to do what it takes to achieve your dream. It makes the pledge real in your mind. You should be very clear and specific regarding what your dream is, what you want to achieve, why you want to achieve it, how you will achieve it (if you know the “how”), and how you will measure the progress. Develop a mental vision map for your dream. Your big dream should make you excited and afraid at the same time. Close your eyes, fast forward into the future and imagine that you have accomplished your dream. How would it feel like?
Write down detailed description of what the end goal looks like. What kind of person will you be at the end of your dream? Visualize this future reality and observe it keenly in your mind’s eye. Carefully note all the things that you would be doing down and let this image guide your path. Carefully choose what is really important to you in your life. Have a bright and clear vision. Be a risk taker, go against the grain, and avoid “follow the crowd” mentality. You do not have to fit in to achieve your dreams. Do not be timid. Don’t be average. Chase your dreams and follow your heart. Your big dream has to be very clear in your mind; you can see it, taste it, smell it and articulate it. It should ooze out of all your pores. Your dream should be well clear, understood and define.
An unprincipled life is not worth living and have nothing to live for. Idris natty ehi.
What is principle? According to Collins English dictionary "A principle is a general belief that you have about the way you should behave, which influences your behaviour. A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behaviour or for a chain of reasoning."
Principle: Your Life Is Exactly What You Tolerate. You get what you accept. Nothing more, nothing less. Successful people know that mediocrity kills achievement. Excellence is a mindset and not a destination. The journey is about refusing to tolerate anything less than what you absolutely want. When you have decided what you will accept, your actions need to back it up. When the alignment is created, your life will change for that better point you have setout for yourself. Principle is a Courage that Creates Confidence. Courage is action. Successful people take action. They take risk and make difficult proposals. They make things happen. Successful people don’t wait to find success, they create it. By creating the success they crave through acts of courage, they end up finding all the confidence they want. When passion fuels your goals, confidence is always the byproduct. You will always have a bigger impact when you take proper action that is driven by courage. Flexibility and Adaptability Are More Important Than Skills. Everything can be learned, everything can be mastered. What are you willing to be wrong for today so you can be right tomorrow? Most people are afraid of change, they are afraid of the unknown. Yet successful people welcome the fear and act with courage. They adapt and want to change. They know that change is the only recipe for sustained success. Strategic Plans Usually Win and Always Include Goals. A good strategy is your success outlined and put on paper. A good strategy is a dream mapped out. A real strategy is the goals you have with the steps needed to take to accomplish them. Successful people are guided by goals and strategy, not by techniques. This helps them focus while also giving them a plan to follow. When you have a plan you can adjust. When you don’t have a plan, you are not adjusting, you are just falling and failing in the journey of life. Growth Comes From Experience. You must do, learn, and adjust. Then you will grow. They understand that failure is a massive part of success. Successful people know that failure is the foundation of learning for success. Fear and fear of failure are the only things that make dreams impossible. Once you have the necessary experience you can overcome any obstacle. Hard Work Only Is Valuable When You Believe In What You Are Building. They work to build something they truly believe in. If you want to be massively successful, you need to be passionate about what you do. Your heart must be aligned with your head. Your values and principles must be aligned with your goals. There will always be major roadblocks. It takes serious grit to overcome the setbacks that will hit you. You need to create a reason and that reason will you give the endurance you need to accomplish your dreams.
Self-Awareness Drives Better Behavior. When you know who you are, you are able to show yourself to other people. You will be able to build trust because you can be vulnerable and transparent. You will always be focused on the right things because you stop caring about what others think about you and start focusing on the ways in which you can help them. You will set better goals and create better relationships.
Belief is everything.
Believing in yourself is the primary tool for self-discovery and destiny fulfilment in life.
You are the one who determines your success, it is a choice. The average person dreams of success, but successful people choose success. The choice to be successful, to follow your passion, to follow your heart is built upon the foundation of belief. Once you believe you can do something, then everything else will fall into place. The problem is belief doesn’t come from thinking, it comes from doing! Take action and the belief will follow. Believe in yourself first by taking the proper action, the actions that align your principles to your goals. Success doesn’t happen by accident; you can get lucky though. When you work hard, stay true to the correct principles, and help others over and over again, you have a great chance at creating all the success you can handle.
What is your target?
What exactly are your life goals? Simply put, they're the things you would like to accomplish in your life. Life goals are the big things to work for and accomplish such as getting married and having a family, starting your own business, becoming a big-time executive, or traveling the globe. Setting goals gives you something to work towards in life and brings you a sense of purpose. When you set your goals, you are taking the first step toward achieving them. Writing down your goals is essential because it helps you switch from being in a passive state to being actively involved in your life. The act of writing cements your goals in your mind; and place it on our mind at all time. In order to get what you want, you have to first figure out what those things are and then find a way to obtain them.
Setting goals can bring about huge personal gains like:
Taking Control of Your Life
Without goals, you can spend your life running in circles without achieving anything. man jumping over rocks life goals However, when you stop to set goals and think about the things that you want, you stop living on auto-pilot and start living a conscious life. Rather than allowing other people to tell you what to do, you take charge and think about what you want for yourself.
Get Better Results
When you have goals, you are working toward a vision. You push yourself to achieve the best results instead of sitting back and waiting for things to happen. Whatever gets measured, gets improved. Without setting specific targets, there is nothing to work toward, and even if you are working hard, your work may not translate into anything profitable. Your goals motivate you to take more action than you would have otherwise.
Think Ahead
Where do you see yourself in one, three, or five years? When you set goals, you are thinking ahead and creating an action plan. Even if things don’t go the way you expected, you can review and adjust your plans, and re-route your life toward your vision.
Get Motivated
Setting goals connects you with your central desires. Your goals act as a constant reminder of the things you love and redirect your focus away from negative obstacles challenges.
Simple Self-Confidence
When you visualize achieving your goals, it will give you the motivation to take action. Every time you stop to think about your purpose, you will gain a renewed sense of energy that will positively influence your behaviors.
Positive thoughts are the reason for your positive action and destiny fulfilment in life; your positive thought brings about knowing yourself and your worth as a person.
Note: life is lived at the expenses of our action and how much we realizes ourselves in the race of life and destiny fulfilment. Idris natty ehi.