Your Dryness Is As The Result Of Poor Intimacy With The Holy Spirit.
Whenever there is no relationship with the root of a tree with the fertile soil, the tree wether and dry off; it's very that the root of a tree have a relationship with the fertile soil to receive its nourishment from the soil. You can't operate in this kingdom with having relationship with the Holy Spirit, your Intimacy With the Holy Spirit guarantee your growths.
TEXT:Ephesians 4:30
[30]And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.
Spiritual life emanated by the regeneration of the holy spirit, when man fell he died spiritually and was the carnal nature was awaken but when Jesus came and brought redemption to mankind. Our spirit was quickened by the holy spirit, that is what makes us spiritual and you know it is called spiritual life that means it is a life that is expressed from within us. The Bible said:Galatians 5:25
[25]Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. The Bible said since we are living by the Spirit that means that spiritual life is a function of the holy spirit inside of us, maintaining a functional relationship and intimacy with the holy spirit is what keeps us on fire at all times. One thing we must come to realize is that dryness is as a result of us drawing away from the holy spirit, God is never the cause of our dryness it is because we are far away his presence. If you check those fathers of faith, you will discover that the secret of their ever burning life is intimacy with the holy spirit. Some of them came to a point of refusing to go for any ministration until the holy spirit leads them, they didn't toil with their relationship with God that was why their generation could not resist their impact. Our generation is full of head knowledge and intelligence that flows from the life of the flesh, we think our fathers in faith don't know anything that was why they relied on the holy spirit. No wonder we talk too much yet we are dry inside, we preach with eloquent and articulate explanation but not with a life experience that the holy spirit gives. Anyone who is intimate with the holy spirit will never know dryness, because the Bible said out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water. The secret of great men of God is their intimacy with the holy spirit, they prefer to cancel meetings to be with the holy spirit than keep running from one place to another preaching without sitting with the holy spirit.
This secret of the early fathers have been neglected by our young generation, the youth of our days prefer to preach rather than sit with him. We are eager to tell others what has not affected our lives, instead of waiting on the holy spirit to impress it on our lives personally. The Bible said he that is coming after me will baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire, you are only on fire when your intimacy with the holy spirit is still active and in proper shape anything outside of this is dryness.
Many of us believers are just deceiving ourselves with empty talking when we know we are dry in reality, if you don't give attention to your intimacy with the holy spirit you cannot escape dryness. The Bible said draw near unto the lord and he will draw near unto you, God is ever ready to revive and fire us up again if only we draw near unto him. You cannot touch fire and still remain unhurt, quickening of our spiritual life come as we draw near in intimacy to the holy spirit. So my question is; how is your intimacy with the holy spirit today? Are you busy with activities and several things such that you don't have his time anymore? Are you sure you are not experiencing dryness within your inner man even when you are still ministering to people? Please stop deceiving yourself and cry unto him for help.
Whenever you detached from the source, it means your life span is at the Mercy of the grace of God. If you must live healthy and operate in the supernatural realm, evaluate your spiritual life and make adjustments fast. In You're not better outside yourself but in God through the help of the Holy Spirit.
By Idris Ehi