
Your Suffering Prepares You For The Best

Whatsoever you are passing through now is preparing you against the future

[8]Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered.

[9]In this way, God qualified him as a perfect High Priest, and he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him.

The reason why God allows his children to go through suffering in a sense is to bring them to experience his word in reality and learn to trust him even in a more difficult situation, when situations have not come to you, you will assume to have known the word of God very well until you are brought into situations that calls for standing for what the word of God says. Knowledge is different from experience, before knowledge can become experience, there must be a practical experience of it in reality. This is why when you keep getting insights into the word of God don't jump into conclusion that you are matured and you have grown in understanding the scriptures no!, we have so many youth now a day that claims to have rhema yet their lives are not congruent with what the word of God says because they the knowledge they claim to have has not been translated into experience. So it is suffering that brings out the knowledge of the word of God into reality, God deliberately brings us into suffering not to punish us but to train us in holding forth his word within us. David was not feasting when he wrote several songs in the book of psalms, there were times he was in difficult situations yet his heart did not faint in God. When he said even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil, he was not exaggerating or saying a positive confession as we do in this generation calling it faith. He was actually faced with death and several difficult things but he learnt to trust God and God delivered him, that brought confidence into his heart in God. The scripture we have today was a true life experience of people that walked with God, the apostles have to go through difficult situations in order to experience the truth of the word of God. Peter wrote, he said:1 Peter 2:3

[3]now that you have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness.

He was about to say this with boldness because he has tasted God's goodness, he was imprisoned to be executed but God came to his rescue, several things came his way but God preserved him. He would not have known the goodness of God if those situations had not happened to him, many of us wants to experience the move of God mightily in our lives but we don't want to go through the process of suffering in order to bring us into experience of the word of God. If Moses had remained in the palace, he would not have experience the burning bush, if he had not go to the back side of the desert into his father in law place Jethro. He would never have experience God, our understanding of God's way in this generation is myopic and shortsighted, we view every thing as the devil's work, we blame witches and wizard, curse and ancestral spirit. Our focus is what has kept us where we are today, situations that is meant to give us experience we have trampled upon it instead of embracing it. Go and ask the fathers of faith what they went through, do you think it was easy for Abraham to forfeit his inheritance to follow God to an unknown destination? Do you think people saw him reasonable to leave lands and portions his father had set aside for him? What do you think brought out the name Jehovah jireh? It was when he got to the point of sacrificing Isaac on the altar that God stopped him and provided for a lamb instead, he wouldn't have known God that way if he had not gone through such situations. Our present day Christian hate suffering so much that we arrogate it to the devil at all times, have never had a prayer points talking about "God will bring suffering your way in Jesus name" no body will shout amen. In fact people will think the pastor have gone mad, we want to experience God but we don't want to go through the process that brings such experience. We keep avoiding situations thinking we are jet age Christian and modern kind of believers, not knowing God has not changed and he will never change let the world become more suffisticated, God will still remain faithful to his standards of training. The Bible said even though Jesus was the son of God yet he learnt obedience by the things he suffered, and you and me don't want to go through suffering but we want to enter the glory. Until you come to embrace suffering, you will keep running away from what we birth experience of God in your life, the only way to be qualified to carry out God's call in your life is suffering. If God could do that for Jesus who then are we to cut corners thinking we will arrive in the fulfillment of his call, i want to ask you;sincerely have you submitted to God's processing? Or you are still struggling to yield? The Bible said no chastising is palatable for the moment but it is to make us to be a partaker of his holiness;Hebrews 12:11

[11]No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.

Please embrace God's dealings upon your life 

so that you will be qualified for the glory ahead of you.

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