The people of Apa and Agatu celebrated as Hon. Godday Samuel make provisions of transformers and pools to connect electricity to different villages.
Apart from numerous bills and series of facilitation putting in place by HORM representing Apa/Agatu constituency, Hon. Godday Samuel decided to touches the aspect of Rural Electrification of Ogbaulu-Oshigbudu.With electric poles and transformer supplied already. As it stands now, poles mounting are almost close to Ogbaulu community.
National Association of Atakpa workers describe Hon Godday Samuel as the advocate of good governance, who is now leaving no stone untouched in the quest for the betterment of Apa /Agatu and its people. The workers stated after received the transformer supplied by Hon. Godday @Atakpa, Agatu local government.
His achievements so far revealed that GOSAM came to restore people's faith with the concept of representation Democracy as symbolised by his records.
Check the photos for more details