The Nigerian Navy has confirmed that one of its members, OSCOMP Abdulgafar A A, commonly known as Cute Abiola, is in custody and has not been reported missing.
Commodore Saluman Dahun, the Navy's spokeswoman, said Abdulgafar, who is also a comedian, is being held in his unit for breaking the Armed Forces of Nigeria's social media policy.
Abdulgafar was also accused of disregarding "specific directions" issued to him, according to him.
'Cute Abiola is not missing-Navy,' according to the statement.
"The Nigerian Navy's attention has been attracted to an internet news item claiming that a navy personnel, OSCOMP Abdulgafar AA, who happens to be a prominent comedian known as Cute Abiola, has gone missing," it said.
"The Nigerian Navy wishes to unequivocally refute the current internet trending bogus news claim."
"Among other things, the Policy is in place to preserve their personal safety and security, as well as the information integrity of the Armed Forces of Nigeria's activities."