
Our Benue At 46 With Fallen Basket

Benue State is a State known as the "FOOD BASKET OF THE NATION" has turn over night to something I know nothing of, our pride and priority is been tempered with and our basket fell.

This is not Benue I know.

In less than five decades

My dear state is disintegrating just like the eruption of a volcano.

Created by a khaki guru, Gen. Murtala Mohammed on 3rd February, 1976.

My state

with three children of alphabeta

Call them A, B, C Zones.

With Tiv, Idoma, Igede, Etulo and Orokam.

Unity in diversity.

Progressing in retrogressive way!

Benue I knew has drastically transmogrified from good to ugly.

Benue I knew was

A land of peace and purity

Now the land of violence and misery.

The land of development and construction

Now the land of demolition and destruction

the land with leaders who were public servants to Benue people.

Who fed the sheep.

Now with leaders who want us to worship them like idols.

Busy feeding on the sheep.

My Benue

A state dubbed and despised by the execu-thieves and pen-robbers

Day by day, in my state heroes are slain

Pure souls roll.

The air is stenched with blood

Causing bloody rivers to flow

While vultures rejoice our madness.

Our food basket of the nation

Metamorphosed into blood basket of Africa.

The basket swallowed

Rev. Adoor

Charles Ayede disappeared

Pharm. Labe was hitted by the mega hammer

Greatest Atoza Hindan is no more

My amiable Igbana Denen's memory was dispatched to oblivion

Even the repented Gana was butchered!

My eyes filled with tears when

My uncle Dr Adyorough was shot dead by unidentified assassins, that is years ago.

My Benue

Has normalised the abnormalities

And abnormalized the normalities.

More work, no pay

who can differentiate between laziness and hardwork?

Labourers deserve no wages?

Who can save my state?

If it is not you... Who?

If it is not now... When?

If it is not here... Where?

Who are the troublemakers?

Those doing the bad?

Or those keeping quiet?

Who are the Ayatutu?

Takuluku your children are perishing like fools

We are refugees in our father's land.

My God give us Moses in 2023

To take us to the promise Land.

Happy Benue State at 46.

CopiedAmos ZahemenAmos Zahemen Ishokua

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