


Your vote counts

Your PVC is your weapon of choice

P is your power to decide

V is vulnerable people are citizens too

C count them out.

Bad leaders that have cursed the land

The land our fathers suffered to secured

Our fathers were piqued 

Like beasts in search for safety

To uphold the national anthem

They fought for our dear State Benue

Benue the land our fathers fought for

is now a place where our leaders embezzled from.

The masses are been exploited by the same people they voted into  power.

The youths are now been trivialized and left out 

Like slaves and miscreants

Without job and help,

Graduates are Hired for political thugs

As the only  means of survival.

Benue has now become the survival of the fittest.

Who know who, where, and how!

To get what He wants

They infected the masses with poverty and hunger

And watched them struggling for crumbs and droplets from their tables

And they were pregnant with the national cake.

Our politicians feed themselves to stupor on the national cake

 While the masses died in cool blood of hunger

Like sacrificial Ram.

We gave them many chances but they failed us.

When we complain that Stone us

And if we cry for justice they kill us like dogs.

It is painful when monkey de work and baboon de chop

Equality has been murdered in front of us,

The majority now have the final say

While minority no longer have a say.

Democracy has been rendered void and destitute.

The people have been bamboozled for too long.

We have been silence for too long

We fold our arms till our  economy virtually crashed.

The educational system has been wrecked and abandoned.

Lives and properties are in sin

Insecurity is now the order of the day.


There is a news

 The good news is that there is still a sparkle at the end of the tunnel.

The people still have a chance at redemption.

The time to right our wrongs is now

It is time to wake up and unite.

Moment of redemption

To say Bye-bye to bribery and Vote selling

And gain our freedom from slavedom and political bankruptcy.

It's time to hold our PVC at high esteem

And Vote a new morher who will take us to the promised Benue.

Barr. Echo is our new morher

The yearning of the Benue YOUTH.

The Benue Dream comes through

Our Deputy Governor come 2023.

The Youth O'clock.

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