

Dear plagiarist,

I know you're a larcenist;

Of stanzas, lines and thoughts,

That flows from the brimful heart;

Of a gifted proficient poet.

You claim you're a great poet,

Yet your pen is void of ink,

You claim you're a great poet,

Yet you can't cogitate or think,

 You're nothing but a larcenist.

You claim you're a great poet,

Yet you can't speak to nature

You claim you're a great poet,

Yet your brain you can't nurture,

Rather feeding on other's thought.

You claim you're a great poet,

Yet you struggle with your pen,

To grasp the colour of your heart.

You swim in the ocean of thought,

Yet your pen is drastically drought.

But how do you really feel;

When you pretend to be me?

Oh, a me that only me feel!

Or do you feel the same me,

When you're actually not me?

Today I urge you to fly further,

With your wings not another,

And stop feeding on another,

Like a petted parasite forever,

Feeding on other's sweet flower.

Poetry is but a mighty call,

Do not answer another's call;

When your sonorous call,

Seems to echo off the walls,

Wait patiently for your own call.

©️ Vanger Terfa Theo

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